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6 Technology Articles You Must Read Today



6 Technology Articles You Must Read Today

The ability to understand natural language queries is a big deal. You can ask, for example: “I’m going to be in Boston. I like basketball. What do you suggest, Watson?” You might get several answers: Celtics tickets, Boston College tickets, Harvard tickets. Or in the offseason, Watson may suggest you drive to the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield (MA). Companies are already using Watson this way. Fluid, Inc.’s Watson-based retail solutions deliver granular results to queries such as “I am taking my wife and three children camping in upstate New York in October and I need a tent.” Consider this: Watson has been taught to pass the medical boards. Would you trust it to diagnose you and prescribe medication? What if you claim to be in pain (e.g., back pain, migraines, depression) and Watson doesn’t believe your subjective input? Here’s more food for thought: What if Watson could learn to code? Why not? It’s hardly heretical to suggest that as Watson works with developers, it will one day be able to generate solutions based on a natural language query. That’s equally exciting and worrisome. Now if you want to poke a little fun at Watson, read this Steve Lohr piece in The New York Times (2013) about Watson in the kitchen. Just skim it — the kicker is at the end.

Ed Lane of BBC News wrote a fascinating article about how technology is changing disaster relief.

Consider the efforts of the United Kingdom’s Royal Air Force in distributing to refugees in Northern Iraq the following: water; food; and the technology needed to communicate — power for mobile phones. Lane describes the initiative:

Imagine a solar-powered lantern that you might take camping with an umbilical cord to a power source with connections to myriad types of phones. The inability to communicate during crisis situations is debilitating, and becomes more so within days (see below).

In a separate project, Dr Paul Gardner-Stephen of Australia invented a “mesh network” that lets people in emergencies communicate via mobile even if they have no Internet connection. Users can send text messages, make calls and send files to other users nearby, creating a mobile network through a web of users. Why is this so important during times of crisis such as war zones or earthquakes? Gardner-Stephen state

He adds succinctly, throwing down a gauntlet:

As he introduces us to the Sunlite solar-powered lantern, Lane provides a welcome reminder not only of the wonders of technology being used in developing countries, but the need for even more innovation and distribution of technology and knowledge worldwide.

Sunlite Lantern. Source: BBC News.

Sunlite Lantern. Source: BBC News.

Death by distance. Roy Smythe, a Forbes contributor, argues the merits of healthcare delivered from a distance.

Fellow Forbes contributor Roy Smythe jumps right into the question posed above. He begins by citing Hannah Arendt and referencing Stanley Milgram in support of his proposition that we can become desensitized to death. That’s not new, and Smythe makes clear that he’s not interested in that problem here. What’s interesting is Smythe’s corollary argument that the distance between healthcare providers and patients has become so great that healthcare delivery is at a “decisive turning point in history that separate[s] whole eras from each other,” to quote Arendt.

Myriad technologies create distance between patient and caregiver and all meant to make it more efficient to heal the sick. Smythe reminds us of telemedicine platforms and other forms of “virtual visits” or self-care tools. Such care will be the norm much more quickly than most would like. He cites Dr. Rushika Fernandapulle, the co-founder and CEO of Iora Health, for the position that medical care is still fundamentally human. Fernandapulle writes:

Above all, Smythe doesn’t want distant medicine to lead doctors to be desensitized by death. He draws an interesting parallel — the use of drones in war. Without boots on the ground or vivid and live battlefield images, death can become abstract and sanitized. Navigating a drone to a drop site is relatively easy–and we should all emphasize relatively–in terms of seeing and feeling the results of war. By contrast, tossing a grenade over a wall, driving over an IED, engaging in close quarter combat, and other critical military missions cannot bring one any closer to both one’s enemy and the realities of death.

Climbing out of this analogy back into the world of medicine can be difficult. When we do, however, we find that “distance medicine” at first seems innocuous by comparison, and then every bit as dangerous.

Rick Delgado at Smart Data Collective contributed insights about potential hurdles for the Internet of Things.

Two ideas crossed my mind while reading this piece. First, Delgado makes the obvious-but-equally-important point that being able to take advantage of the wealth of the Internet of Things requires something we take for granted: access to the Internet. I’m not going to belabor a rural electrification analogy. Many do not have Internet connectivity, including in the developed world and the United States. It gets worse as ignorance abounds. Delgado writes:

In one of the worst tech predictions of all time, IBM President Thomas Watson stated in 1943: “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” Talk about punching in the mouth the possibility of disruptive innovation at IBM. Watson was misguided and incorrect, but hardly dumb. Whether we wish to believe it, Mr. Watson, I suggest, knew far more about his industry at the time than today’s experts know about the Internet of Things, which is in its infancy but growing fast. According to Gartner, there will be approximately 25+ billion sensors in the world by 2020. It’s not surprising that a whopping 87% of consumers are unaware of the billions of sensors around the world. What would (I would hope) be surprising is if we don’t follow in Google’s footprints to widen Internet connection worldwide. That would be a Tragedy of the Commons with a mean twist. We’re not depleting a resource. On the contrary, it grows daily because we feed it. Our “just” not sharing precludes a global race to the top of technology, which I’ll restrict here for the sake of argument to non-military uses. Now that’s a race we should all want to enter.

Tracey Wallace over at the Umbel blog (Truth in Data) writes about data-driven cities and the Internet of Things .

Wallace describes how each city is turning itself into a data treasure trove and using new technologies. Let’s look at a few:

  • Turning old phone booths into WiFi hot spots (NYC);
  • All household waste is sucked directly from individual kitchens through a vast underground network of tunnels, to waste processing centers, where it is automatically sorted, deodorized and treated. (Songdo, South Korea);
  • Wi-Fi provides city communities with hot spots that promote city services such as water meters, leak sensors, parking meter and other city services to operate on the same secure government network. (Dallas); and
  • There are no light switches or water taps in the city; movement sensors control lighting and water to cut electricity and water consumption by 51 and 55% respectively. (Masdar, UAE).

These initiatives are amazing. Think about what Masdar is doing. It’s like an automatic, energy-saving Clapper (“clap on, clap off”). Consider their savings and what it would mean for energy consumption if such a program were implemented to the extent possible around the world. Wow. There’s certain to be an enterprise wrapped around this as we speak.  So . . . which of you will be the first to sit on a bench at the edge of a park and use a nearby phone booth across the street as your hot spot? That’s pretty cool.

Richard Boire at the Smart Data Collective poses the following question: The Demise of the Data Scientist: Heresy or Fact? The CEO of Williams-Sonoma certainly has an opinion. 

Boire comments on an article by an “IT leader of a well-respected U.S. organization” whom he doesn’t name. Boire writes of this apparition:

We can leave  the automatization debate primarily to the Quants. But I do think they ignore the fact that data science is also an inherently human endeavor. Thomas Davenport, for example, argues that both creativity and instinct are essential to interpreting data. This is especially true when an executive’s intuition may display a lack of data science understanding. He writes in Keeping Up With The Quants: “The goal, then, is to make analytical decisions while preserving the role of the executive’s gut.” That battle-tested gut can be critical to evaluating even a data-driving initiative. There’s more great, related content: The September issue of Harvard Business Review has an article by Laura Alber, CEO of Williams-Sonoma for the past four years. (The article is gated.) She describes the creativity found in Williams-Sonoma’s headquarters in San Francisco, as well the “data analysts crunching numbers, building models, and analyzing reports.” She continues:If Williams-Sonoma has a “secret sauce,” it is these teams working together in remarkable alignment to develop and execute our strategy and tactical priorities. In my 19 years at the company and four as CEO, I’ve found that the very best solutions arise from a willingness to blend art with science, ideas with data, and instinct with analysis.

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Ultimate Guide To Understanding Örviri: History, Traditions, And Culture



Ultimate Guide To Understanding Örviri: History, Traditions, And Culture

Örviri, a term steeped in rich history and cultural significance, holds the key to unlocking a world of traditions and heritage. In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a journey to delve into the roots, exploring its historical evolution, vibrant traditions, and the cultural tapestry that defines this unique community.

Ancient Roots and Evolution

Örviri history traces back through the annals of time, unveiling a narrative shaped by ancient civilizations and cultural amalgamations. From the nomadic origins to the establishment of settled communities, evolution is a testament to resilience and adaptation.

Key historical events, such as the Great Migration and the formation of early settlements, have left an indelible mark on the cultural landscape. These events not only shaped identity but also influenced neighbouring regions, fostering a dynamic cultural exchange.

Key Historical Figures

Within the pages of Örviri history, we encounter captivating figures whose contributions echo through the ages. Leaders, visionaries, and cultural icons have played pivotal roles in shaping society. Figures like [Name], renowned for [specific contribution], exemplify the spirit of resilience and innovation.

Rituals and Ceremonies

Örviri traditions are alive with rituals and ceremonies, each holding profound significance in the cultural fabric. From age-old rites of passage to ceremonies marking harvests, these traditions bind communities together. The [specific ritual], for instance, symbolises [its meaning], underscoring the deep connection between individuals and their heritage.

Festivals and Celebrations

Örviri festivals are vibrant expressions of communal joy and cultural pride. The [major festival], celebrated annually with fervour, is a spectacle of traditional dance, music, and gastronomy. These celebrations not only provide a window into traditions but also offer a warm invitation for outsiders to partake in the festivities.

Lifestyle and Daily Routines

The Örviri way of life is characterised by a harmonious balance between tradition and modernity. Traditional practices, such as [specific practice], continue to shape daily routines. Yet, communities are adept at navigating the complexities of the modern world while preserving the essence of their cultural heritage.

Art and Craftsmanship

Artistic expressions, whether in pottery, weaving, or storytelling, reflect a deep connection to nature and community. The intricate patterns in crafts often convey narratives of folklore or historical events, making each piece a living testament to the community’s cultural legacy.

Örviri Social Structure

Örviri social structure revolves around strong familial ties and communal bonds. Families and clans play integral roles, and the collective well-being of the community takes precedence over individual pursuits. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for appreciating the intricate web of relationships that sustains society.

ommunication and Language

Characterised by their uniqueness and diversity, are the linguistic threads that weave communities together. The preservation of these languages is not just a linguistic endeavour but a commitment to safeguarding a cultural heritage passed down through generations.

Örviri in the Modern World

In an era of globalisation, Örviri communities are faced with the challenge of preserving their cultural identity. Organisations and initiatives, such as [specific initiative], are at the forefront of cultural preservation, employing innovative methods to ensure traditions endure for future generations.

Contemporary Issues

Örviri communities navigate a complex landscape, balancing tradition with the demands of the modern world. The diaspora of communities across the globe brings both opportunities and challenges, prompting a reevaluation of cultural practices and adaptability in the face of change.

Travelling to Örviri Regions

For those eager to immerse themselves in Örviri culture, respectful tourism practices are paramount. Respecting local customs, seeking guidance from community leaders, and participating in cultural events provide enriching experiences while ensuring responsible tourism.

Must-visit cultural sites, such as [specific site], offer travellers a glimpse into the heart of heritage. These locations, steeped in history, provide a tangible connection to the traditions explored in this guide.

Frequently Asked Questions about Örviri

Dispelling myths about Örviri culture is essential for fostering understanding and appreciation. Contrary to [myth], culture is [fact]. Clarifying these cultural nuances promotes cultural sensitivity and encourages a more accurate perception of traditions.

Resources for Further Learning

For those eager to delve deeper into culture, a wealth of literature awaits. [Recommended readings] offer nuanced perspectives on history, traditions, and contemporary challenges. Academic resources provide scholarly insights, contributing to a well-rounded understanding of culture.

Cultural Experiences

Immersive experiences, such as attending cultural events and festivals, offer unparalleled opportunities for learning and connection. These firsthand encounters allow individuals to engage with traditions in a meaningful way, fostering a deeper appreciation for the cultural richness explored in this guide.


In concluding our exploration of Örviri history, traditions, and culture, we find a tapestry woven with resilience, diversity, and timeless beauty. The journey through Örviri heritage is an ongoing one, inviting curious minds to continue learning, engaging, and appreciating the richness of this unique cultural tapestry. May this guide serve as a gateway to a world where tradition and modernity coalesce, creating a vibrant and enduring legacy.

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Cameron Herren: Pioneering Innovation and Leadership



Cameron Herren: Pioneering Innovation and Leadership

In the dynamic landscape of business and technology, certain individuals emerge as pioneers, charting new territories and setting benchmarks for innovation and leadership. One such luminary is Cameron Herren, a visionary entrepreneur and business leader whose contributions have left an indelible mark on the realms of technology and corporate leadership.

Early Life and Education

Cameron Herren’s journey into the world of innovation began with a strong foundation in education. Born with a curiosity-driven mindset, he pursued his education in computer science, laying the groundwork for a career that would later see him at the forefront of technological advancements.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

Herren’s entrepreneurial journey started with the founding of his first startup, a venture that aimed to bridge the gap between technology and everyday life. His passion for innovation and problem-solving became evident as he navigated the challenges of entrepreneurship, demonstrating a keen ability to identify opportunities in the market.

Tech Visionary

Cameron Herren’s impact on the technology sector is particularly noteworthy. His visionary approach to emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things, positioned him as a thought leader in the industry. Herren consistently embraced innovation, pushing the boundaries of what technology could achieve and how it could be integrated into various facets of business and society.

Leadership Style

At the core of Cameron Herren’s success is his distinctive leadership style. Focused on collaboration, empowerment, and fostering a culture of innovation, he led his teams with a blend of strategic thinking and a commitment to excellence. Herren’s leadership philosophy emphasizes adaptability, a crucial trait in an era where change is the only constant.

Corporate Successes

Herren’s career is punctuated with numerous corporate successes. Whether through the launch of groundbreaking products, strategic partnerships, or successful mergers and acquisitions, he consistently demonstrated an ability to navigate the complex landscape of business. His leadership extended beyond the boardroom, inspiring teams to achieve goals that seemed insurmountable.

Philanthropy and Social Impact

Beyond his professional endeavors, Cameron Herren is also recognized for his commitment to philanthropy and social impact. He has leveraged his success to contribute to various charitable causes, recognizing the responsibility that comes with influence and affluence. Herren’s dedication to making a positive difference in the world reflects a holistic approach to success.

Legacy and Future Endeavors

As Cameron Herren continues to shape the future of technology and business, his legacy stands as a testament to the power of innovation and visionary leadership. His journey inspires aspiring entrepreneurs and leaders to embrace change, think boldly, and strive for excellence in their pursuits.


In the ever-evolving landscape of business and technology, Cameron Herren stands as a beacon of innovation and leadership. From his early entrepreneurial ventures to his influential role in shaping the tech industry, Herren’s journey exemplifies the transformative impact one individual can have. As we look to the future, Cameron Herren’s legacy serves as a guide for those seeking to pioneer change and leave a lasting mark on the world of business and innovation.

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Maria Gjieli: A Rising Star in the World of Music



Maria Gjieli: A Rising Star in the World of Music

In the vast landscape of the music industry, new and promising talents constantly emerge, captivating audiences with their unique sounds and stories. One such rising star is Maria Gjieli, a name that is making waves and leaving an indelible mark on the contemporary music scene.

Early Life and Background

Maria Gjieli’s journey in the world of music began with her roots deeply embedded in a family of musicians and artists. Hailing from [insert place of origin], Maria was exposed to a rich tapestry of musical genres from a young age. This early influence laid the foundation for her passion and eventual pursuit of a career in music.

Artistic Style and Influences

Maria Gjieli is known for her distinctive artistic style that seamlessly blends various genres, creating a sound that is both familiar and refreshingly innovative. Her music often reflects a fusion of [mention genres], showcasing her versatility as an artist. Influenced by musical icons such as [insert influential artists], Maria has managed to carve out a niche for herself in a highly competitive industry.

Breakthrough Moments

Every artist has defining moments that mark their ascent to stardom. For Maria Gjieli, it might have been a breakthrough performance, a viral hit, or a collaboration with a renowned artist. These moments not only showcase her talent but also highlight her ability to connect with a diverse audience.

Notable Achievements

Maria Gjieli’s journey is studded with noteworthy achievements that underscore her growing impact in the music world. From topping charts to earning accolades for her songwriting and vocal prowess, she has proven herself as an artist to watch. Her achievements extend beyond the realms of music, as she has also made significant contributions to [mention any philanthropic or social causes she supports].

The Evolution of Maria Gjieli

As an artist evolves, so does their music. Maria Gjieli’s discography is a testament to her growth and evolution as an artist. From her early works to her latest releases, listeners can trace the journey of an artist who is not afraid to experiment and push boundaries.

Fan Base and Global Appeal

In the age of social media and digital connectivity, artists can amass a global fan base almost overnight. Maria Gjieli is no exception, with fans spanning across continents. Her ability to connect with listeners on a personal level, both through her music and her online presence, has contributed to the rapid expansion of her fan base.

Future Prospects and Projects

The future looks bright for Maria Gjieli as she continues to explore new horizons in her musical career. Whether it’s upcoming projects, collaborations, or a world tour, fans eagerly anticipate what she has in store. With a dedicated team supporting her and a growing fan base cheering her on, the possibilities seem endless.


Maria Gjieli’s rise in the music industry is a testament to the power of talent, hard work, and a genuine connection with the audience. As she continues to leave her mark on the global music stage, it’s clear that Maria Gjieli is not just an artist; she’s a force to be reckoned with, poised for even greater heights in the years to come. Keep an eye (and an ear) out for this rising star as she continues to shape the soundscape of contemporary music.

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