
A guide to choosing a video wall that suits you company’s needs



Companies can experience numerous benefits by incorporating a video wall into their office space and general working environment. But, what is a video wall and how exactly can it benefit your business? Well, that’s what we’re here to tell you. 

At DEXON, we know just how important it is for you to have all the information before you reach for the cheque book, so we’ve compiled this comprehensive guide to choosing a video wall that suits your company needs.

In this article, we’re going to give you the rundown on what a video wall is, why they’re super useful, and a five-step guide on choosing a video wall based on your individual company needs. 

So, whether you’re a seasoned video wall enthusiast or just about know what a HDMI cable does, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s go! 

What is a video wall?

Before we get stuck in, it’s important we first define the basics for those of you who may be unfamiliar with a video wall. A video wall is a collection of monitors that work in unison to display one or multiple coherent images.

These systems work in conjunction with multiscreen control solutions like video wall controllers, processors and matrices. With these tools, users can display a myriad of different content with ease. 

Video walls are typically used in industry to create large displays to stream footage and images in high definition. This is especially useful during large scale presentations, conferences and use in offices. 

Video walls come in a variety of sizes and types. Typically, video walls are made up of LCD panels, rear-projected cube-based walls and LED video walls. The dimensions of these walls are primarily 2×2, 4×4, 6×2, 8×2 all the way up to 144×64 in arrangement.  

Why are video walls useful? 

Now that we have the basics out of the way, let’s go over why companies might use video walls in the first place. Of course, it’s important to mention that video walls are super versatile, meaning that the way companies and other users may choose to use their video wall is entirely up to them. That’s one of the best parts of video walls because your experience is entirely defined by you. 

There are, however, some fixed benefits to using a video wall that you may experience if you choose to invest. Let’s go through some of them: 

Better engagement 

If we’re honest with ourselves, keeping everyone engaged at work is a bit of a struggle, and it’s no wonder when we all have phones and laptops at our disposal. Now, before you start thinking about throwing all of your colleague’s phones in the bin, you should take a look at investing in a video wall. 

With a video wall, you can display crucial information like company-wide announcements or results from big meetings from one place. This means that everyone receives exactly the same information, in the same format. With this, information getting lost in translation becomes a thing  of the past and you can direct all colleague engagement to a single communal resource. 

Higher productivity 

Speaking of information clarity, it’s important to acknowledge that a lot of workspaces have a problem with miscommunication and its impact on productivity. It’s understandable when everyone receives small nuggets of information that sometimes, things get missed in conversation or people interpret that last email just slightly wrong. 

While this on a small scale is relatively harmless, it can become a huge issue if your company operates on a ‘heard through the grapevine’ basis. 

With a video wall, everyone receives information in its original format so there’s no room for interpretation or mistranslation. With this, your colleagues can get all their vital information and crack on with their tasks in a much more efficient manner. 


We often underestimate how effective it is to simply impress our competition and potential business partners, so if you’re in the market for something that gets heads turning, you’re in the right place. 

Video walls are at the cutting edge of information technology and are the perfect combination of exciting pieces of tech and genuinely useful and constructive in the workplace. So, when interested parties walk into your office and see a business that prioritises innovation, they’re bound to be impressed. 

A company with a video wall is also one that presents itself as taking communication and information clarity seriously. Not only is this important to general operations, it’s crucial to maintaining a positive company culture. Therefore, if you have a potential investor or business partner who is hot on communication and workplace happiness, you’re set with a video wall. 

How to choose a video wall that suits your company needs

Now, let’s get onto the part we’ve all been waiting for. Here is a five-step guide to choosing a video wall that suits your company needs: 

Consider its use 

Before you can start browsing for video walls, you should consider what you’re going to use your video wall for. This means you need to think about the kind of content you’re going to stream on your video wall and how often it’s going to be in use. 

This is particularly important when you’re selecting what type of equipment you’ll be using with your video wall. This is because more sophisticated video walls with high use expectancy require a high power processor or controller. 

However, if you’re using a video wall for a simple reason with a low usage rate, you probably won’t need such a sophisticated setup. 

What size do you need it to be?

The size of your video wall dictates a lot, especially how expensive it is. Don’t splash the cash if you don’t need to by thinking of how big you actually need it to be. To do this, think about its use and how many people will be using your wall. 

Think about the location too and whether it can accommodate a very big video wall. This can help you decide on whether an LCD, rear-projected cube or LED based video wall is best. 

What budget are you on? 

Video walls are not a one-size fits all policy when it comes to the price and each differs in terms of value. The most upfront cost-effective type of video wall is an LCD panel based wall, which are some of the most popular and universally recognisable video walls.

However, these walls come with thick bezels that can disrupt the quality of your display. With a high power processor, you may be able to mitigate the impact and scale images with the bezels in mind, but this is still an important factor to consider. LCD panels are also notorious for high-energy costs, so ensure that you consider this before investing. 

Budget is also important to consider when you’re thinking about how you will use the video wall. To optimise your experience, your video wall should suit your needs alone. So, to ensure you don’t over complicate things and potentially degrade your experience, make sure you’re not paying extra for the sake of it, because money may not buy high performance in your case. 

Do you need it to be flexible? 

One of the great things about video walls is that they’re very easy to scale up. So, think about whether you need your system to be easy to upgrade and scale up or down. You should also think about whether you want your screen to be multi-use. For example, if you wish to use your screen to switch between sources so it can display things like web-based content whilst performing its primary duties, you may wish to invest in a matrix switcher.

There you have it, your comprehensive yet accessible guide to ensuring your video wall suits you! 


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