
Boston Ferns Are the South’s Favorite Porch Plants



From hanging baskets to containers, the beautiful South Pouch without Boston fern is hard to come by. Inhabitants of the southern part of the region love indoor and outdoor plantations. Here you can find ferns swaying from the perch of the summer pouch. Often there are wrinkles next to a blue blanket or a wooden rocking chair. The dark green leaves and shade-loving nature of Boston fern make it a perfect plant for postcards south. Read on to learn more about your own care.

About Boston fern

Learn to propagate Boston ferns are known by the scientific name Nephrolepsis exaltata “Bostoniensis”. This species is a type of sword fern known for its toughness. It is widespread in the United States and can be found both indoors (as a houseplant) and outdoors (as a houseplant, as a groundcover plant, or in a hanging basket). The lush leaves are characteristic of this fern. According to the Southern Living Garden Book, Nephrolepsis exaltata is a tropical species, but it grows (7 feet high and the same width) and has wider leaves (up to 6 inches) than other Nephrolepsis species. “A selection called “Bostoniensis” grows up to 3 meters in height. The Garden Book describes it as “a classic indoor fern with a wide arched shape and graceful, ultimately with hanging leaves that are wider than the seeds.”

For Boston fern

This plant likes a lot of shade, well-drained soil, and regular watering. However, be careful with water. Pteridophytes growth is evenly moist, but do not over-wet. Planting is tough, but you can benefit from occasional use of fertilizers such as common liquid formulas. Frost kills Boston fern in cold weather, so they need to survive the winter well.

Boston fern overwinters

Some kill ferns in the winter, while others take care of the plants every year. To overwinter Boston fern, the plants need to be placed indoors when the temperature drops. The Garden Book recommends: “In the fall, use sharp scissors to cut off the side leaves at the ends of the pot to bring the top growth to a height of about 10 inches. Place the pot near the brightest window and keep the soil relatively. Keep it moist. By spring your plants should be repopulated and ready to return to the patio. “”

Is there a fern on the south facing patio? What is your favorite fern in your hanging basket or outdoors?


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