
Physical education outside of team sports



Each child grows physically at his or her own pace; therefore, it should be expected that a group of children in the season will have different heights, weights and athletic abilities. A child who is much older or much younger than other children of the same age – or who is not as organized or energetic – is not likely to be comfortable competing with them .

Children may also be afraid of getting hurt or worried that he won’t

 Be able to organize. An overweight child will be less enthusiastic about pursuing a sport, whereas a child with asthma will be more satisfied with 스포츠중계, which requires high energy expenditures for short periods of time, such as baseball, soccer, art sports, golf or running. it was only a few meters away

What you can do: Honestly assess your child’s strengths, abilities, and circumstances, and find the right course of action. Some kids are afraid of the ball; So they don’t like softball or volleyball, but they do like running fun. If your child is overweight, he or she may not have the strength to run, but he or she loves to swim. To keep a child off the basketball team, he or she may enjoy professional sports or wrestling.

Keep in mind that some kids prefer individual sports to team sports.

 The goal is to keep your child from getting frustrated, from wanting to keep playing and giving up sports and exercises.

Try to address your child’s concerns. Understanding and providing a supportive environment will help your child succeed in whatever activity he or she chooses.

Even kids who once said they hated sports can learn to love team sports as their skills improve or they find the right sport or league They do the same. But even if your child never gets much interest in team sports, a child can get the required 60 minutes of physical activity a day for years to come.

Unstructured play is often important for children who do not participate in team sports. What is an unplanned game? It’s an activity children do when left alone, such as shooting basketballs, riding bikes, playing with plastic balls, playing tag, jumping rope or dancing.

Children can also enjoy individual sports or other organized activities that can enhance fitness, e.g.

  •  Swimming
  •  Horseback riding
  •  Dance classes
  •  Roller skating
  • Cycling
  •  Sports Meets Cheerleaders
  •  Pivot vehicles
  •  Movement or movement
  •  The bay
  •  Tennis team
  • Fencing board
  •  Technical gymnastics
  • Tactics of war
  •  Yoga and other practices
  • Frisbee team
  •  Speeding up

Support your child’s decision

Even if it’s hard, try to find a way to keep your child active in something they love. Try to keep the situation open. Your child may be interested in an activity outside of the school’s offerings. For example, if your youngster wants to try ice hockey or flag football, help him or her find a connection in the community or talk to someone at school about building new equipment.

If your child has difficulty choosing a career and pursuing it, you need to be patient. It often takes several trials for children to find the right behavior. But if it does, you’ll be glad you put in the time and effort. For your child, this will be an important step in developing lifelong play habits.


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