
What are Owls and What they Do?



Owls are fascinating due to their incredible hunting abilities. Here are some interesting facts that you might not have heard about Owls:

Only Carnivores

Owls are known to eat tiny insects such as beetles and moths and larger birds like Ospreys. Some species of owls consume mainly fish, such as Ketupa (fish-owl) and Scotopelia species which are located within Asia as well as Sub-Saharan Africa. Owls spend much of their time searching for food. For instance, the Snowy Owl may have to hunt for food multiple times, but they can also capture up to five or three Lemmings per day.

Owls aren’t able to consume food

Owls, as with other birds, don’t have teeth to chew their food. Their hooked, sharp bills are used to tear off prey, often crushing skulls as well as other bones. They also eat small preyitems, usually head-first. Anything that the can’t be digested by owls, such as fur and bones, are introduced after a few hours as a pellet.

It is not the only way to get HTML0. Owls are night-time feeders.

Although we usually associate them with night, certain Owls are active during the daytime despite being typically thought of as night-time creatures. Snowy Owls and other northern species are able to hunt in the summer sun-filled days. Northern Pygmy Owls hunt small birds in the western mountain forests. While they hunt mostly in the evening, Burrowing Owls are often seen in their burrows during the daytime times. Some are active and crepuscular during the early hours of dawn or at dusk.

Guided by Sound

Owls are mostly nocturnal and rely on their extraordinary hearing to find their prey in the darkness. Barn Owls are able to spot tiny animals hiding in the foliage using their only auditory sense. The video above shows how you can see that the Great Gray Owl can locate prey under one foot of snow. The owl’s flat faces function as dish antennas. The feathers that surround their face direct soundwaves towards the ears. They are concealed behind the sides. A variety of species of owls exhibit small differences in the positions of their ears. This assists them in the determination of the distance.

A LOT of Chicks

Owls reproduce according to the amount of food available. Barn Owls usually lay between four to seven eggs. In years with high rodent populations they may lay as many as 12 eggs. Owls can choose to stop breeding during times of extreme food shortages.

Stealthy Hunters

Owls fly in silence and this makes it possible for them to swiftly take on targets that are not apprehensive. They are able to glide faster than other birds due to the fact that their wings have a larger surface area than the majority of birds. This lets them avoid stalling and falling into the ground. Owls’ sounds are blocked by the feathers.

Owls Water is a requirement

While owls are able to consume water, they obtain the majority of their water from the animals they consume. The hydrogen contained in animal fats is converted into oxygen during metabolism. This produces approximately one gram of water per grams. Owls can consume snow during winter’s northern winters


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